Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! It's officially Christmas here (435am) so yay! I am still awake o.O and it's getting pretty cold too...burrrr. :) I had to put that picture up because those kitties are so adorable! and my cats won't sit still and wear hats and wiggle their faces like that. LOL. Sorry it's been so long, from the last post. I am a very bad blogger... :-/ I do hope everyone is having a wonderful time with their family and loved ones. :) Don't eat too much, stay safe, drive safely and stay warm. Hugs and kisses!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Simba is not amused

Last weekend, my sisters were bored so they put on an aerobics CD and went crazy. Simba was laying around watching them. Then she got annoyed because they almost step on her.

LOL Simba is so funny :P

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I shared cookies ♥♥♥♥

With my cat Simba. :) We are both very happy~ ! (^^,)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Something random please :)

Food? Is that random enough? XD I don't really feel like posting anything fun facts...and owh, Happy post Thanksgiving :D.

I kinda feel sad for the turkeys, but well I should feel the same for the chickens right?? Man, I miss turkeys.

Ok now on to the random pictures: FOOD!

Rice with chicken porridge + peanuts + soy sauce 

Japanese dinner

Pumpkin and sunflower seeds :D

Carrots!! Yummms~

Korean Ice cream :D with rice crackers

Scramble eggs + pepper + Tabasco with cereal

Random food, random food. :D All pictures are mine! All food are mine too!! XD I did not have them at once tho so don't worry :D.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Universal Children's Day: Stop Child Abuse!

Today (20th November) is Universal Children's Day. I was invited by Ili Billie to support the event which was held at 1Utama this morning. I should have brought my nieces and nephew. The event was all about creating awareness of child abuse and for all means, to support against child abuse and many other things related to children. I came a little late but I managed to join the Flash Mob game which was totally awesome. Didn't bring my blanket (and no, no kid with me) so I shared blanket with a random person and she was nice enough to offer me her blanket (and we became friends =) hehehe). While we were having our own "sleep over" in front of Mac City, suddenly somebody came and tickled me while I was under the blanket. I burst into tears and I laughed so hard. When I peeked, it was Datin Marina Mahathir. Hahaha! Omg.. * embarrassed * She must have thought I was a kid =_= Oh! And I was mistaken for a 16 year old TWICE. Anyway, I didn't manage to take a lot of photos because my phone died on me T___T.

Exhibit 1: If you need help, call 15999

Exhibit 2: Kodomo ga aishiteiru

Exhibit 3: Show support against child abuse

Exhibit 4: The crowd before the Flash Mob game

For more info check out: UNICEF Malaysia and show your support.

Love your children. Stop child abuse. Remember, we were once kids.

x-posted to Kyou No Ato Ni Kyou Nashi

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My weekday addiction

Presenting ..... *drum rolls please*

Phineas and Ferb 

I love this show!! *hides behind the couch*

What cartoons do you still watch?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pick of the Week: Gwen Stefani - Cool

Today's pick is Gwen Stefani's Cool! I just love this song. It makes the impossible sounds possible. The reason why I've been listening to this sing for the past one week is because... things have not been so.. well between me and somebody. It's just me thinking that way actually, because well, to him, these things are.. not important. So I just wanna make me feel better. =) Enough ranting Akira! enjoy peeps~

~Gwen Stefani - Cool~

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday's pick: Original or hybrid?

I love cats. I want BIG cats, but apparently you can't have big cats, they are a protected species :P. Darn it! So I was talking to my bf about big cats (lions and tigers) because I saw the show The lioness and the leopard on Animal Planet and apparently (I did not realize that) lions are bigger that leopards :P. Duh me. XD

So that reminds me of a story I read a few weeks back about the Liger cubs (Lion dad + Tiger mom). And Tigon cubs (Tiger dad + Lion mom) in the picture below. I think they are the only ones that existed (at least that's what it said in the article). Cute huh??

via here

via here

The above picture are Liger cubs, the one that was born in Taiwan. They are uber cute!!! Apparently they kinda look like tiger cubs right? Guess the lions are like a white canvas and tigers are stripey that they kinda just added stripes to the lions :P but look at the pictures below:

I Google-d a bunch of pictures of Ligers and most of them look like they were photoshop. But I am sure they aren't. Only a handful of them survived tho. They tend to have shorter lifespan than lions or tigers. And when they are grown the can be bigger that the lions or tigers. o.O I want one!!! And they look more lions when they are adults with a mane but with stripes. Cute!! :D

Oh and I found this!

via here

Just when I thought they have not done it...they did! It's a Leopon (Leopard dad + Lion mom). Funny, I should just say lioness lol!! They tend to have a lion head and leopard body. I wonder if there are others out there? This picture were taken in 1960 (!!!!) in Kobe, Japan. Crazy huh?

So what do you think of these hybrids? Or do you prefer our lions, leopards and tigers?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fun Fact Friday

Robert Louis Stevenson's 160th birthday via Google homepage

Cute right? I have no clue who he is tho XD. Nothing fun and random this week, my cat just died, I am still sad.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Akira's back!

Wowowow!!! I don't remember the last time I posted on T.O.R. Been really busy and was on a long hiatus on blogs =_= but now I'm back!!!!

I don't have anything much to say this time (I promise the next post will be a long one, Moushiwakenai!!) but I'm gonna share one song by L'Arc~en~Ciel (for those of you who has been following this blog, you should know I post my favourite Japanese songs every Friday, but today is a special day!!!) . This is my all time favourite and it's called "White Feathers. Enjoy!! Kitte kudasai, douzo~

* Note: Moushiwakenai - I'm Sorry
Kitte kudasai, douzo - Please listen to it

L'Arc~en~Ciel - White Feathers

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I will miss you ♥♥♥

I will miss your constant jumps on me ♥♥♥

2009 - 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday's pick: Would you prefer...

Sunny days or rainy days?

I prefer cuddling on a rainy day. :) While watching the rain, with cold chocolate ;)

Would you rather watch Dirty Jobs or Mythbusters?

Hands down, Mythbusters of course! Come on, laughter, myths, and crazy randomness fun...who wouldn't want to watch this??? :D And I just love Tory, Kari and Glenn :D and of course Adam and Jamie ;) I can just sit and watch this alllllllll day :D.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Midnight Randomness

It is the 115th Anniversary of the discovery of X-ray. YAY for x-ray!

And I had some yummy midnight snacks :)

Bananas :D

and carrots! <3

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fun Fact Friday

Ok I am a lil late in posting this because I totally forgot today was Friday!! I thought today was Sunday =___= and daylight saving was done and my bf was like huh? o.O LOL But anyway, here's a fun fact for today.

"The average bra size today is 36C. Ten years ago it was 34B."

LOL. I totally that that was interesting and funny :D. So girls these days have bigger ladies that us (I am in the ten years ago category :P). I don't know how true that is though XD. Wearing an ill fitted bra or tight  bras can also contribute the development of breast cancer. Scary :( so I hope you all have a very good fitted bra :). You can read that article here. Hmm I have realized this isn't really a fun fact... o.O.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yummy in my tummy

This is what I had for dinner last night. :D Chicken rice soup porridge, with peanuts and soy sauce and pepper. It was realll good and simple :D I also had pieces chicken cut and put in the of my favorite comfort food. 

What's your favorite comfort food?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday's Pick: I have Mother Goose in my head o.O

Last week my friend posted Mother Goose nursery rhymes on her Facebook I have it stuck in my head. For the entire. Weekend. o_O It is this one:

Hey diddle, diddle
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed 
To see such fun craft (I always thought it was fun =__='')
And the dish ran away with the spoon

(Did I remember it correctly?)

Ok so since IT is stuck in my head (please go away), I decided to spice it up a bit. And it goes:

Hey diddle, diddle
The cat does the wiggle
The cow loves pink and maroon
The little dog laugh
Cause he had fun
And the dish loves a big fat baboon

LOL~~ Ok I screw up Mother Goose's rhymes, but hey at least I can laugh at it XD

What's your favorite Mother Goose's nursery rhymes?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fun Fact Friday

What cat should you be for Halloween? :D I think Alyssa Milano tweeted about this sometime ago. :) Follow her here :D I think it's pretty cute and funny :D

via here :D

I miss Halloween :( I wish we have Halloween here~!!

What are you gonna be for Halloween? ^__^

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What keeps me going

One game that I use to despise (then) was minesweeper. I still remember the first time I tried to play it I was like WTF??!!~ What the heck am I suppose to do with this game =___='' It doesn't make sense. And I also had a very short temper for reading manuals and I would go read, read, read, skip, skip, skip. See it doesn't do much does it?

So one fine day, I was determine to understand this freakin' thing, I actually read the instruction. It wasn't that long anyway, I am sure you all have tried playing minesweeper. And lo and behold it is effin easy. EASY. Like really easy!!! =___= I was like so and felt o.O for awhile. And I am addicted and hooked on that game ever since.

I think the fastest time I did for the easy game is 15 seconds, might be a lil slower or faster. But I can never beat my own score. I am proud of it. :D My friends still thinks it's hard and don't understand it but it amuses me and takes my time. And it keeps me going. There are so many puzzle it's endless. :D And since no one can beat my score, I rock at it. XDD

See? Doesn't that just makes you feel smart? :P - via

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday's pick: I love me some chocolate ^_~

A week ago, it seems so much longer, I indulged in some yummy-licious dark chocolate with peppermint. :D It was good, it was amazing!

I remember telling my bf that I had some yummy peppermint dark chocolate that I am having now, and that I am addicted to. And he showed me this:

Apparently he was having dark chocolate too (without me :P), organic dark chocolate to boost. :P So I guess great mind thinks alike :D. I do prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate. I LOVE chocolate covered raisins more, OMG I think I could eat this everyday and would not get sick :).

Come on who doesn't love chocolate covered raisins? XD If you don't, more for me!! What did you do this weekend? Here is what I did. :D 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fun Fact Friday

Thus Friday comes again..I have a mixed feeling about Fridays, I love and hate it at the same time. We all agree 2 days of weekend fun is awesome but Friday comes too soon! And sooner that you think, it's Monday again. Sigh** Anyway today I want to share one of my all time FAVORITE comic strips :D. This would have to be my favorite other that Hi and Lois. ZITS. I cannot live without reading a line of this comic. I find it hilarious and amusing XD.

via here

** I took this from the site, not mine by all means, check it out cause it is hilarious :)**

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I am not loving

Colds. =___='' *pouts* And lil sniffles that is really. Annoying. *sigh* Like now as I sniffles and write this I am annoyed!! I think I am allergic to something and it happen often which makes me think I am allergic to something. Sorry for sounding like a broken record but I am not loving this state I am in. *runs around room*

Also funny story, I fell asleep on the couch watching CSI: Miami and something woke me up. I was so groggy and sleepy and trying to run in that state is a big no NO. I tumble and fall, I think that would've been a funny sight. Thankfully no one was there to watch me! (I secretly think my cat Charlie was watching me through the window and laughing his heart out.) Now my knee hurt. Ooowwww >.<''

PS Thank you guys for stopping by and leaving me comments and becoming followers ^___^ You guys make my day! <3 I'd love for you guys to swing by my main blog here :) where I share this and that, and my passion for football @ soccer :P. Thank you again!! *hugs and kisses*

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Favorite

I can't seem to get my hands of this.

Tabasco. I. Love. It. Oh I had it with omelette, and cheese and crackers, and tuna and cheese. You name it. I just hadn't had it with cheesecake. :D One of my friend says I am just like the "aliens" in Roswell. :D You know then I have not found out the deliciousness, hotness, sauciness of Tabasco (OMG what was I thinking!) but now, I wouldn't think it was that weird for them to have Tabasco with everything :D hehehe. I know how weird.

I use to think it was weird but I don't anymore. :) And when this show came out, I did watch it...religiously. o.O Up to a point where I thought it was losing it's attractiveness. Ah well, that was loooong ago. And I really like Katherine Heigl in this show :) She was young.

I Google her, and wow...some very sexy pictures. I think I have a girl crush *blush* I think she is really beautiful, next to Charlize Theron, Sandra Bullocks, and Julia Roberts. :) I have girl crush overload *blush*XD

Wait. This was suppose to be about Tabasco. See what you made me do?? ;) So yeah, Tabasco is awesome. *cheers*

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I haz a new mouse


Hehe just kidding. Altho that picture is funny ^__^. I did get a new mouse, but not the one with a tail, and twitching nose. That would be gross and scare me to death. I got a mouse for my computer. Mouse have been bugging me for soooooooooooooo long. 1 year, believe it?? The bf have been asking me to get a new one but I manage to salvage the old one and make it work until last night. It just died on me. So mummy bought me a new one yesterday!! YAY!! Thank you mummy!!!

Although this would be pretty cute? XD

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fun Fact Friday

Well since I am kinda bored, I decided to share some facts on Friday. :) It might be kinda random so we'll see how it goes. ;)

I tend to buy things I don't need, like who doesn't right? Two of my favorite things to buy are mascara and eyeliner. I love colored mascara :D It always makes my day. And I wear it with colored eyeliner! Yay for colors!!

I like it because it's something I can do in less than 5 minutes and define my feline-like eyes...I adore my eyes. *bat lashes*